Life is not all or none. Black or white. This or that.
There is overlap between two contradictory sides of ourselves. When we see the world this way, we are able to accept ourselves in whatever realm we tend toward and consciously shift ourselves to the realm that best serves our goals. From the system's perspective, we should be unemotional, selfless martyrs. The truth is: we are complex, feeling, thinking, imperfect creatures.
In this episode, you'll learn about the energy-sucking disadvantages of self-focused, "get" energy and the benefits of other-focused, "service" energy. You'll learn how to use duality to strive for 100% perfect results with every patient while also knowing that is an impossibility. You'll also learn how to use strategic disconnection to get out of your own head and serve your patients at your highest level. Don't miss this one!
I want to hear from you! Email me your thoughts on duality to mel@melthackercoaching.com or shoot a text to 262-893-0303.
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